
About the Blog

Biology, life, is everywhere.  Looking around and really seeing the things that surround us every day, things we often take for granted, can reveal incredible complexity and beauty.  This blog is about those things we see every day, exploring and explaining them, and in the process, making science at once interesting and accessible.

About the Author

I am a science nerd.  I wasn't always.  Well, I was in the sense of where my interests lay, but it never occurred to me as a young student that I might be good at science.  I was an artsy, scatter-brained, girl...and that didn't seem to fit in with what I thought "A Scientist" was.  So I played around with many different careers, generally in the art vein, until I decided to go back to school.  Something had planted the seed in my brain, perhaps age and experience, that just maybe I could be a scientist.  And so, after many years of art, of parenting, of life, I am now a single mother, back in school, and on a quest to find out everything I can about life, myself, and why the grass is green.

About the Name

In my house, we love to tell jokes.  And while many others might be telling certain 'Your momma..." jokes, in my home, there is never a shortage of variations of "Your momma's such a nerd..." jokes.  Hence, I thought it apropos that I call myself ScienceNrrd.  It is me accepting and enjoying this part of who I am, and also a nod to my biology professors, most of whom on occassion will tell painfully bad biology-inspired jokes, chuckling to themlesves while the class sits in confused silence.  I'm always laughing...

Sn is the symbol for the element tin.  Click here to find out more about tin or any other element on the periodic table.

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